How do you ensure sustainability in shopping malls?

Being a sustainable brand has many responsibilities. In addition to making profit and working efficiently; It also requires being a social and social brand. Therefore, we provide sustainability with a pioneering and foresighted service approach that integrates with the environment and society, considers social interactions, and determines the needs of the future today. Since shopping malls are businesses that host many services such as shopping and social activities; As DRY CLEAN EXPRESS, we give our brand value in such a holistic area by presenting it to consumers / end users on the basis of sustainability.

·         What do you think are your differences in terms of service quality?

As service quality; DRY CLEAN EXPRESS, a brand appreciated by its customers and competitors; has crowned this difference with the awards given by the Consumer Protection Association in the years 2011-2012-2013-2014. It has become the leader in its sector with its free service line, fast delivery, expert staff and advanced technology organic dry cleaning systems. Providing pioneering, responsible and continuously developed services is our most basic principle that distinguishes us from our competitors.

·         What are the studies you have carried out to increase your service quality?

With the developing technology; Our service quality is also increasing day by day. Especially recently; DRY CLEAN EXPRESS, which started to use organic dry cleaning technology, has increased its service quality with this environment and human friendly cleaning system. In addition to following technological developments in order to increase our service quality; Inspection of existing branches is also a very important work for us to achieve the standard. Branch-Customer communication is a relationship that contains many dynamics. It is one of the requirements to increase our quality standard to provide services with trained and experienced personnel in order to solve the problems quickly and to inform the customers correctly.

·         How do you think following and using new products in the sector affect service quality and sustainability?

To follow all the developments in the sector; It is a strategic step in raising the standard of service. Since the way to be a sustainable brand is to increase the service quality; These two concepts should be considered in parallel with each other. Due to the constant change of social interactions, trends, habits, technology and popularity elements, it has become a condition of being a permanent and sustainable brand to integrate the requirements of the age into our services.